Warehouse Christian Ministries uses caution in providing for the safety and comfort of all who volunteer in its activities. However, any activity has inherent possibility for risk and it is important to understand this. In the case of any illness or injury incurred during this event, your carrier will be billed for medical charges first – should you have medical insurance. Warehouse Christian Ministries’ insurance is secondary insurance. I hereby give my permission to the physician or dentist selected by Warehouse Christian Ministries representative to Hospitalize, secure proper treatment, and/or order an injection, anesthesia, or surgery as deemed necessary. The undersigned also agrees not to hold Warehouse Christian Ministries, its agents or employees liable for damages, losses or injuries to the persons or property of the undersigned. ADDITIONAL LIABILITY RELEASE FOR MINORS - The parents or guardians understand that they are signing for the minor or minors listed on this form as a liability release.
By choosing “Yes’” the volunteer, parent and/or guardian agrees to assume and accept all risks and hazards inherent in the activity.
Please be advised that during VBS you may be photographed and/or videoed while participating in various activities. With your consent, the photograph and/or video may be reproduced and released for use in the media, i.e., slideshows, videos, the internet, and the Warehouse Christian Ministries website and social media platforms.